Monday, August 25, 2008

My New Apartment!!

After 7 days of waiting I finally get to move into my home for the next 9 months :)
It's an apartment right outside my university, but still considered as on campus housing :p
I will be having one roommate and two other housemates.
The place I live in is called the I-House (International House), where the residents are made up of 50% Americans and 50% International Students.
By living here, I am within walking distance to my university, the transit station and also many shops. However, it's pretty tiring walking up and down the street all day...hope that I can find another alternate way to travel soon :p
I also get free wireless internet and free membership to my university's gym and recreation center.
But the sad thing now is that there's no tv here :( my favorite entertainment./.hehe...but other than that, the place looks great :)
So far I'm the only one that moved in early...therefore, I have the whole place to myself and I get to pick the best bed~ haha....
Hopefully my housemates will move in soon...cause it's getting kinda lonely here with all this SPACE!!
Here are some pictures of my new home :) Enjoy!!


My Bedroom that I share with my roommate. The Closet Area. and My Area :)

Me in my new home!! and the walkway leading to the rooms, bathroom and kitchen.

The Dining Area + The Living Room

The Clean Big Kitchen

The Washing Area... the basins on your right...the toilet and shower on your left :)