Sunday, October 19, 2008

Balboa Park Part III

Event: San Diego History Musuem
Location: Balboa Park, San Diego CA
Date: October 18, 2008

Part III of my journey involves me touring in the History of San Diego Musuem..but no pix of that because sign said "no cameras allowed"..hahaha..the sign speaks for itself...
But I did take alot of pictures of what was around the musuem...hahaha...
The whole street was surrounded by buildings that all had unique carvings and designs...
I loved how everything looked very authentic and walking through the street and buildings made you feel as if you're in somewhere else and not the park. Inside the musuem was nice as well, they had alot of old maps and paintings from the early days of San as far back as 1888 (100 years before I was born). It was interesting to stand there and soak up the history of San Diego...alot of facts that I did not know.

Hopefully by seeing these pictures u can kinda feel what I feel :)

Ps: this part is for u babe :p -AL


The map of the Park...and people walking along the street.

Parts of the musuem building and the walk way

I just love the architecture and the carvings on the buildings

The Entrance to San Diego History Musuem

This is where the history comes alive....hahahaa

The only picture I can take in the musuem...and more buildings..

The buildings and street of Balboa Park

Along the musuem street and more "wedding people" in action..hahahaha