Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fashion Valley

Sunday , 09.21.08
There's a place in San Diego called Fashion Valley. It's a place where they have all the big clothing stores, shoe stores and everything to do with fashion and the latest trend. They also have many restaurants and little stalls where u can find all sorts of unique things.

My friends and I spent half a day walking around the whole place and still we're not done..
but it was nice to finally have the weekend to some shopping..hehehe..isnt that what all girls love to do? :p Its the best way to release stress and have a good time with my girlfriends :)

So here's some pix of Fashion Vallley, my friends and some cool sights...enjoy!!


Welcome to Fashion Valley, San Diego.

I would love to have one of those spinning things...but they're very pricey :(

Cant make up my mind on where to start :p

Sitting outside Abercombie & Fitch :)
Amanda, Ruby and I

Nothing beats a tasty frappucinno and almond pretzels for tea-time!!

The Food Court area on the second floor

Fashion Valley Trolley Station
Don't you just luuurrvveeee the colors...I could stare at it all day

I just like taking non-people pictures :p

Are you behind??

Ruby & I and Ruby, Jon & I

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Surprise for Ruby

September 15, 2008 - My friend Ruby turns the big 21!!
Her roommate Ryoko decided to bake a cake for her and we all decided to throw her a surprise birthday celebration :)
enjoy the pix!

Ruby's Birthday Cake - made specially by Ryoko
Ruby after entering the apartment...tears of joy~

Lais brings out the cake as everyone sang Happy Birthday~
Getting a snap of Ruby and her birthday cake :P

Everyone watching Ruby's reaction and giving hugs...aawww

It's a Ladies Affair :p ....Ruby making her birthday wish

Horace, Ruby, Me and Betsy :)
And there's Ryoko and Ruby!!
Me & the birthday GirL

Happy Mooncake Festival 09.12.008

Hey, happy belated mooncake festival to everybody! Sorry took me awhile to get these pix here...busy busy busy and tired tired tired...

anyways, due to the fact that I cannot be at home with my family on this very important roommate, Amanda...decided to let me tag along to her taiwanese student association bbq party to celebrate mooncake festival...atleast I would be around a whole bunch of chinese people and I get to eat chinese food...

We all gathered at this place called Lake Murray, its bout 5-10 minutes drive from my apartment..I find their association so cool because they have pick ups as well :)
I got to meet so many more taiwanese people / students that are living in San Diego. They are welcomed me with a smile and were shocked that I could speak mandarin...haha...I still have this issue of having to explain to people why Malaysians can speak mandarin...hahaaha...

But in the end, I had alot of fun eating and meeting new people and I loved hanging by that was just so beautiful and peaceful...Even though Im bummed that I cant be home with my family, but Im happy I still have friends to celebrate this festival with :)

So, as usual...enjoy the pix!


Lake Murray

Taiwanese Students/ People from San Diego and Mooncakes (looks like Malaysia Siew Pao!)
People busy barbeque-ing... and there's me and my friends (betsy,me,Ruby,Amanda and another girl)
Enjoying our food by the lake and There's me & lin (not ling) haha :p
Food! Glorious Food! yum yum~
And I can never miss out the ducks!! After all it's their lake..
The Sunsetting upon us on this beautiful day...

U can kinda see the moon from here....and one nice picture of a tree :p

Just Hanging Out In the Night....
Lin, Besty, Nick and I....and on the right there's Lais, Me, Ryoko and Betsy :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

my weekday buddies

Now that my semester has started, I spend my weekdays focused on my studies.
And also the fact that I have to wake up early in the morning and walk to my classes. It usually takes me about 15minutes to arrive at class from my apartment. Therefore, I always try to keep myself focus and awake to maintain my current "new study habit".
So my solution to staying focus ? All you need is Starbucks and Music :) and of course the most important thing of all...the books...hahaha..what would studying be without them?