Date: May 2009- Aug 2009
Place: Seattle, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Malaysia :)
These pictures briefly sums up the places I've been to and the people I've been spending time with through out my summer. I do have more pictures, but due to my busy schedule, I wont be able to upload all of I decided to just post some of my favs...
My final moments before I flew back to San Diego
-Sisters for life-
-Lau turns 21-
-Grandpa turns 80, Gramps celebrate 60th anniversary-
-Grandpa turns 80, Gramps celebrate 60th anniversary-
-Lunchie with my girlfriends-
-9 years later and we're still gathering-
6D Class year 2000
-9 years later and we're still gathering-
6D Class year 2000
-There's always time for some mahjong-
Visiting Ileana up in Santa Monica and LA
One of my fav place in the world
Visiting Ileana up in Santa Monica and LA
One of my fav place in the world
5 Days of Seattle with Betsy